I wrote the article below on Raw Milk in 2007 and I stand by it today. Urania has gathered over 2000 signatures of people who support the need to change the law in Humboldt County to allow the sale of raw milk. I currently buy raw goat milk every week from a friend and pay $12 per gallon. I also have bought cow's milk from another friend for $16 per gallon. I used to go to Crescent City to buy raw milk. This is a most ridiculous micro-managing system. Those of us who care about our health will continue to buy it whatever the cost. The dairy folks will continue to drink it and feed it to their kids but the general public will have to be satisfied with homogenized pasteurized milk.
Does the county forbid us to buy raw meat or raw anything else? The state certifies the raw milk. Does Humboldt know better than the state what is good for our health? Humboldt is advertizing its ignorance. All the other counties in California allow raw milk to be sold in stores. There are reams of literature on raw milk and its medicinal and health uses. Homogenizing and pasteurizing milk deprive one of the enzymes that the milk is blessed with and make milk less easy to digest. Tell you Supervisor to read up on it (e.g. Weston Price Foundation on the internet) and vote to allow raw milk to be sold in Humboldt and bring us into the 21st century!!!